This shader is used to draw simple primitive shapes for {@link PIXI.Graphics}.
{ "comment": "/**\n * This shader is used to draw simple primitive shapes for {@link PIXI.Graphics}.\n *\n * @class\n * @memberof PIXI\n * @extends PIXI.Shader\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 217, 1271 ], "filename": "PrimitiveShader.js", "lineno": 12, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\core\\graphics\\webgl\\shaders", "code": { "id": "astnode100013244", "name": "PrimitiveShader", "type": "ClassDeclaration", "paramnames": [ "gl" ] } }, "classdesc": "This shader is used to draw simple primitive shapes for {@link PIXI.Graphics}.
", "kind": "class", "memberof": "PIXI", "augments": [ "PIXI.Shader" ], "name": "PrimitiveShader", "longname": "PIXI.PrimitiveShader", "scope": "static", "params": [ { "type": { "names": [ "WebGLRenderingContext" ] }, "description": "The webgl shader manager this shader works for.
", "name": "gl" } ], "___id": "T000002R001225", "___s": true, "$methods": [], "$attributes": [], "$staticmethods": [], "$staticproperties": [], "$augments": [ { "comment": "/**\n * Wrapper class, webGL Shader for Pixi.\n * Adds precision string if vertexSrc or fragmentSrc have no mention of it.\n *\n * @class\n * @extends GLShader\n * @memberof PIXI\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 679, 1203 ], "filename": "Shader.js", "lineno": 35, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\core", "code": { "id": "astnode100032185", "name": "Shader", "type": "ClassDeclaration", "paramnames": [ "gl", "vertexSrc", "fragmentSrc" ] } }, "classdesc": "Wrapper class, webGL Shader for Pixi.
", "kind": "class", "augments": [ "GLShader" ], "memberof": "PIXI", "name": "Shader", "longname": "PIXI.Shader", "scope": "static", "params": [ { "type": { "names": [ "WebGLRenderingContext" ] }, "description": "
Adds precision string if vertexSrc or fragmentSrc have no mention of it.The current WebGL rendering context
", "name": "gl" }, { "type": { "names": [ "string", "Array." ] }, "description": " The vertex shader source as an array of strings.
", "name": "vertexSrc" }, { "type": { "names": [ "string", "Array." ] }, "description": " The fragment shader source as an array of strings.
", "name": "fragmentSrc" } ], "___id": "T000002R002944", "___s": true, "$methods": [], "$attributes": [], "$staticmethods": [], "$staticproperties": [], "$augments": [ { "name": "GLShader" } ], "$augmentedBy": [ { "name": "PrimitiveShader" }, { "name": "Filter" }, { "name": "ParticleShader" }, { "name": "PrimitiveShader" }, { "name": "Filter" }, { "name": "ParticleShader" } ], "filepath": "core\\Shader.js" } ], "$augmentedBy": [], "filepath": "core\\graphics\\webgl\\shaders\\PrimitiveShader.js" }