Calculate the points for a quadratic bezier curve. (helper function..)
Based on:
Ignored from docs since it is not directly exposed.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
fromX | Origin point x |
fromY | Origin point x |
cpX | Control point x |
cpY | Control point y |
toX | Destination point x |
toY | Destination point y |
out | The output array to add points into. If not passed, a new array is created. |
{ "comment": "/**\n * Calculate the points for a quadratic bezier curve. (helper function..)\n * Based on:\n *\n * Ignored from docs since it is not directly exposed.\n *\n * @ignore\n * @private\n * @param {number} fromX - Origin point x\n * @param {number} fromY - Origin point x\n * @param {number} cpX - Control point x\n * @param {number} cpY - Control point y\n * @param {number} toX - Destination point x\n * @param {number} toY - Destination point y\n * @param {number[]} [out=[]] - The output array to add points into. If not passed, a new array is created.\n * @return {number[]} an array of points\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 3656, 4239 ], "filename": "buildRoundedRectangle.js", "lineno": 116, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\core\\graphics\\webgl\\utils", "code": { "id": "astnode100015916", "name": "quadraticBezierCurve", "type": "FunctionDeclaration", "paramnames": [ "fromX", "fromY", "cpX", "cpY", "toX", "toY", "out" ] }, "vars": { "n": "quadraticBezierCurve~n", "points": "quadraticBezierCurve~points", "xa": "quadraticBezierCurve~xa", "ya": "quadraticBezierCurve~ya", "xb": "quadraticBezierCurve~xb", "yb": "quadraticBezierCurve~yb", "x": "quadraticBezierCurve~x", "y": "quadraticBezierCurve~y", "i": "quadraticBezierCurve~i", "j": "quadraticBezierCurve~j" } }, "description": "Calculate the points for a quadratic bezier curve. (helper function..)
Based on: from docs since it is not directly exposed.
", "ignore": true, "access": "private", "params": [ { "type": { "names": [ "number" ] }, "description": "Origin point x
", "name": "fromX" }, { "type": { "names": [ "number" ] }, "description": "Origin point x
", "name": "fromY" }, { "type": { "names": [ "number" ] }, "description": "Control point x
", "name": "cpX" }, { "type": { "names": [ "number" ] }, "description": "Control point y
", "name": "cpY" }, { "type": { "names": [ "number" ] }, "description": "Destination point x
", "name": "toX" }, { "type": { "names": [ "number" ] }, "description": "Destination point y
", "name": "toY" }, { "type": { "names": [ "Array." ] }, "optional": true, "defaultvalue": "[]", "description": " The output array to add points into. If not passed, a new array is created.
", "name": "out" } ], "returns": [ { "type": { "names": [ "Array." ] }, "description": " an array of points
" } ], "name": "quadraticBezierCurve", "longname": "quadraticBezierCurve", "kind": "function", "scope": "global", "___id": "T000002R001447", "___s": true, "filepath": "core\\graphics\\webgl\\utils\\buildRoundedRectangle.js" }