The prepare manager provides functionality to upload content to the GPU
This cannot be done directly for Canvas like in WebGL, but the effect can be achieved by drawing
textures to an offline canvas.
This draw call will force the texture to be moved onto the GPU.
An instance of this class is automatically created by default, and can be found at renderer.plugins.prepare
Public methods | |
public | destroy(): void |
public | destroy(): void |
public | upload(item: function, PIXI.DisplayObject, PIXI.Container, PIXI.BaseTexture, PIXI.Texture, PIXI.Graphics, PIXI.Text, done: function): void |
private | tick(): void |
private | prepareItems(): void |
public | registerFindHook(addHook: function): PIXI.BasePrepare |
public | registerUploadHook(uploadHook: function): PIXI.BasePrepare |
public | add(item: PIXI.DisplayObject, PIXI.Container, PIXI.BaseTexture, PIXI.Texture, PIXI.Graphics, PIXI.Text, *): PIXI.CanvasPrepare |
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
register | public |
Destroys the plugin, don't use after this.
Destroys the plugin, don't use after this.
Upload all the textures and graphics to the GPU.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
item | Either the container or display object to search for items to upload, the items to upload themselves, |
done | Optional callback when all queued uploads have completed |
Handle tick update
Actually prepare items. This is handled outside of the tick because it will take a while
and we do NOT want to block the current animation frame from rendering.
Adds hooks for finding items.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
addHook | Function call that takes two parameters: |
Adds hooks for uploading items.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
uploadHook | Function call that takes two parameters: |
Manually add an item to the uploading queue.
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
item | Object to |
{ "comment": "/**\n * The prepare manager provides functionality to upload content to the GPU\n * This cannot be done directly for Canvas like in WebGL, but the effect can be achieved by drawing\n * textures to an offline canvas.\n * This draw call will force the texture to be moved onto the GPU.\n *\n * An instance of this class is automatically created by default, and can be found at renderer.plugins.prepare\n *\n * @class\n * @extends PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare\n * @memberof PIXI.prepare\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 615, 1578 ], "filename": "CanvasPrepare.js", "lineno": 20, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare\\canvas", "code": { "id": "astnode100074200", "name": "CanvasPrepare", "type": "ClassDeclaration", "paramnames": [ "renderer" ] } }, "classdesc": "The prepare manager provides functionality to upload content to the GPU
This cannot be done directly for Canvas like in WebGL, but the effect can be achieved by drawing
textures to an offline canvas.
This draw call will force the texture to be moved onto the GPU.An instance of this class is automatically created by default, and can be found at renderer.plugins.prepare
", "kind": "class", "augments": [ "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare" ], "memberof": "PIXI.prepare", "name": "CanvasPrepare", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare", "scope": "static", "params": [ { "type": { "names": [ "PIXI.CanvasRenderer" ] }, "description": "A reference to the current renderer
", "name": "renderer" } ], "___id": "T000002R006893", "___s": true, "$methods": [ { "comment": "/**\n * Destroys the plugin, don't use after this.\n *\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 1476, 1575 ], "filename": "CanvasPrepare.js", "lineno": 55, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare\\canvas", "code": { "id": "astnode100074263", "name": "CanvasPrepare#destroy", "type": "MethodDefinition", "paramnames": [] }, "vars": { "": null } }, "description": "Destroys the plugin, don't use after this.
", "name": "destroy", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare#destroy", "kind": "function", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare", "scope": "instance", "params": [], "overrides": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#destroy", "___id": "T000002R006900", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPreparedestroy", "filepath": "prepare\\canvas\\CanvasPrepare.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Destroys the plugin, don't use after this.\n *\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 1476, 1575 ], "filename": "CanvasPrepare.js", "lineno": 55, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare\\canvas", "code": { "id": "astnode100148942", "name": "CanvasPrepare#destroy", "type": "MethodDefinition", "paramnames": [] }, "vars": { "": null } }, "description": "Destroys the plugin, don't use after this.
", "name": "destroy", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare#destroy", "kind": "function", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare", "scope": "instance", "params": [], "overrides": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#destroy", "___id": "T000002R013834", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPreparedestroy", "filepath": "prepare\\canvas\\CanvasPrepare.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Upload all the textures and graphics to the GPU.\n *\n * @param {Function|PIXI.DisplayObject|PIXI.Container|PIXI.BaseTexture|PIXI.Texture|PIXI.Graphics|PIXI.Text} item -\n * Either the container or display object to search for items to upload, the items to upload themselves,\n * or the callback function, if items have been added using `prepare.add`.\n * @param {Function} [done] - Optional callback when all queued uploads have completed\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 3937, 4668 ], "filename": "BasePrepare.js", "lineno": 137, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare", "code": { "id": "astnode100073423", "name": "BasePrepare#upload", "type": "MethodDefinition", "paramnames": [ "item", "done" ] }, "vars": { "": null } }, "description": "Upload all the textures and graphics to the GPU.
", "params": [ { "type": { "names": [ "function", "PIXI.DisplayObject", "PIXI.Container", "PIXI.BaseTexture", "PIXI.Texture", "PIXI.Graphics", "PIXI.Text" ] }, "description": "Either the container or display object to search for items to upload, the items to upload themselves,
", "name": "item" }, { "type": { "names": [ "function" ] }, "optional": true, "description": "
or the callback function, if items have been added usingprepare.add
.Optional callback when all queued uploads have completed
", "name": "done" } ], "name": "upload", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare#upload", "kind": "function", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare", "scope": "instance", "inherits": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#upload", "inherited": true, "overrides": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#upload", "___id": "T000002R014785", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepareupload", "filepath": "prepare\\BasePrepare.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Handle tick update\n *\n * @private\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 4739, 4798 ], "filename": "BasePrepare.js", "lineno": 177, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare", "code": { "id": "astnode100073502", "name": "BasePrepare#tick", "type": "MethodDefinition", "paramnames": [] }, "vars": { "": null } }, "description": "Handle tick update
", "access": "private", "name": "tick", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare#tick", "kind": "function", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare", "scope": "instance", "params": [], "inherits": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#tick", "inherited": true, "overrides": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#tick", "___id": "T000002R014786", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPreparetick", "filepath": "prepare\\BasePrepare.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Actually prepare items. This is handled outside of the tick because it will take a while\n * and we do NOT want to block the current animation frame from rendering.\n *\n * @private\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 5018, 6301 ], "filename": "BasePrepare.js", "lineno": 188, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare", "code": { "id": "astnode100073513", "name": "BasePrepare#prepareItems", "type": "MethodDefinition", "paramnames": [] }, "vars": { "": null } }, "description": "Actually prepare items. This is handled outside of the tick because it will take a while
", "access": "private", "name": "prepareItems", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare#prepareItems", "kind": "function", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare", "scope": "instance", "params": [], "inherits": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#prepareItems", "inherited": true, "overrides": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#prepareItems", "___id": "T000002R014787", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepareprepareItems", "filepath": "prepare\\BasePrepare.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Adds hooks for finding items.\n *\n * @param {Function} addHook - Function call that takes two parameters: `item:*, queue:Array`\n * function must return `true` if it was able to add item to the queue.\n * @return {PIXI.BasePrepare} Instance of plugin for chaining.\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 6617, 6758 ], "filename": "BasePrepare.js", "lineno": 244, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare", "code": { "id": "astnode100073679", "name": "BasePrepare#registerFindHook", "type": "MethodDefinition", "paramnames": [ "addHook" ] }, "vars": { "": null } }, "description": "
and we do NOT want to block the current animation frame from rendering.Adds hooks for finding items.
", "params": [ { "type": { "names": [ "function" ] }, "description": "Function call that takes two parameters:
", "name": "addHook" } ], "returns": [ { "type": { "names": [ "PIXI.BasePrepare" ] }, "description": "item:*, queue:Array
function must returntrue
if it was able to add item to the queue.Instance of plugin for chaining.
" } ], "name": "registerFindHook", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare#registerFindHook", "kind": "function", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare", "scope": "instance", "inherits": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#registerFindHook", "inherited": true, "overrides": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#registerFindHook", "___id": "T000002R014788", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepareregisterFindHook", "filepath": "prepare\\BasePrepare.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Adds hooks for uploading items.\n *\n * @param {Function} uploadHook - Function call that takes two parameters: `prepare:CanvasPrepare, item:*` and\n * function must return `true` if it was able to handle upload of item.\n * @return {PIXI.BasePrepare} Instance of plugin for chaining.\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 7093, 7248 ], "filename": "BasePrepare.js", "lineno": 261, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare", "code": { "id": "astnode100073697", "name": "BasePrepare#registerUploadHook", "type": "MethodDefinition", "paramnames": [ "uploadHook" ] }, "vars": { "": null } }, "description": "Adds hooks for uploading items.
", "params": [ { "type": { "names": [ "function" ] }, "description": "Function call that takes two parameters:
", "name": "uploadHook" } ], "returns": [ { "type": { "names": [ "PIXI.BasePrepare" ] }, "description": "prepare:CanvasPrepare, item:*
function must returntrue
if it was able to handle upload of item.Instance of plugin for chaining.
" } ], "name": "registerUploadHook", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare#registerUploadHook", "kind": "function", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare", "scope": "instance", "inherits": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#registerUploadHook", "inherited": true, "overrides": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#registerUploadHook", "___id": "T000002R014789", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepareregisterUploadHook", "filepath": "prepare\\BasePrepare.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Manually add an item to the uploading queue.\n *\n * @param {PIXI.DisplayObject|PIXI.Container|PIXI.BaseTexture|PIXI.Texture|PIXI.Graphics|PIXI.Text|*} item - Object to\n * add to the queue\n * @return {PIXI.CanvasPrepare} Instance of plugin for chaining.\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 7552, 8117 ], "filename": "BasePrepare.js", "lineno": 278, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare", "code": { "id": "astnode100073715", "name": "BasePrepare#add", "type": "MethodDefinition", "paramnames": [ "item" ] }, "vars": { "": null } }, "description": "Manually add an item to the uploading queue.
", "params": [ { "type": { "names": [ "PIXI.DisplayObject", "PIXI.Container", "PIXI.BaseTexture", "PIXI.Texture", "PIXI.Graphics", "PIXI.Text", "*" ] }, "description": "Object to
", "name": "item" } ], "returns": [ { "type": { "names": [ "PIXI.CanvasPrepare" ] }, "description": "
add to the queueInstance of plugin for chaining.
" } ], "name": "add", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare#add", "kind": "function", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare", "scope": "instance", "inherits": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#add", "inherited": true, "overrides": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#add", "___id": "T000002R014790", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepareadd", "filepath": "prepare\\BasePrepare.js" } ], "$attributes": [ { "comment": "/**\n * @method\n * @name PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#register\n * @see PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#registerFindHook\n * @deprecated since version 4.4.2\n * @param {Function} [addHook] - Function call that takes two parameters: `item:*, queue:Array`\n * function must return `true` if it was able to add item to the queue.\n * @param {Function} [uploadHook] - Function call that takes two parameters: `prepare:CanvasPrepare, item:*` and\n * function must return `true` if it was able to handle upload of item.\n * @return {PIXI.BasePrepare} Instance of plugin for chaining.\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 24256, 24832 ], "filename": "deprecation.js", "lineno": 920, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src", "code": {} }, "kind": "function", "name": "register", "see": [ "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#registerFindHook" ], "deprecated": "since version 4.4.2", "params": [ { "type": { "names": [ "function" ] }, "optional": true, "description": "Function call that takes two parameters:
", "name": "addHook" }, { "type": { "names": [ "function" ] }, "optional": true, "description": "item:*, queue:Array
function must returntrue
if it was able to add item to the queue.Function call that takes two parameters:
", "name": "uploadHook" } ], "returns": [ { "type": { "names": [ "PIXI.BasePrepare" ] }, "description": "prepare:CanvasPrepare, item:*
function must returntrue
if it was able to handle upload of item.Instance of plugin for chaining.
" } ], "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare#register", "scope": "instance", "inherits": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#register", "inherited": true, "overrides": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#register", "___id": "T000002R014784", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepareregister", "filepath": "deprecation.js" } ], "$staticmethods": [], "$staticproperties": [], "$augments": [ { "comment": "/**\n * The prepare manager provides functionality to upload content to the GPU. BasePrepare handles\n * basic queuing functionality and is extended by {@link PIXI.prepare.WebGLPrepare} and {@link PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare}\n * to provide preparation capabilities specific to their respective renderers.\n *\n * @example\n * // Create a sprite\n * const sprite = new PIXI.Sprite.fromImage('something.png');\n *\n * // Load object into GPU\n * app.renderer.plugins.prepare.upload(sprite, () => {\n *\n * //Texture(s) has been uploaded to GPU\n * app.stage.addChild(sprite);\n *\n * })\n *\n * @abstract\n * @class\n * @memberof PIXI.prepare\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 997, 8564 ], "filename": "BasePrepare.js", "lineno": 39, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare", "code": { "id": "astnode100073300", "name": "BasePrepare", "type": "ClassDeclaration", "paramnames": [ "renderer" ] } }, "classdesc": "The prepare manager provides functionality to upload content to the GPU. BasePrepare handles
", "examples": [ "// Create a sprite\nconst sprite = new PIXI.Sprite.fromImage('something.png');\n\n// Load object into GPU\napp.renderer.plugins.prepare.upload(sprite, () => {\n\n //Texture(s) has been uploaded to GPU\n app.stage.addChild(sprite);\n\n})" ], "virtual": true, "kind": "class", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare", "name": "BasePrepare", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare", "scope": "static", "params": [ { "type": { "names": [ "PIXI.SystemRenderer" ] }, "description": "
basic queuing functionality and is extended by {@link PIXI.prepare.WebGLPrepare} and {@link PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare}
to provide preparation capabilities specific to their respective renderers.A reference to the current renderer
", "name": "renderer" } ], "___id": "T000002R006835", "___s": true, "$methods": [ { "comment": "/**\n * Upload all the textures and graphics to the GPU.\n *\n * @param {Function|PIXI.DisplayObject|PIXI.Container|PIXI.BaseTexture|PIXI.Texture|PIXI.Graphics|PIXI.Text} item -\n * Either the container or display object to search for items to upload, the items to upload themselves,\n * or the callback function, if items have been added using `prepare.add`.\n * @param {Function} [done] - Optional callback when all queued uploads have completed\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 3937, 4668 ], "filename": "BasePrepare.js", "lineno": 137, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare", "code": { "id": "astnode100073423", "name": "BasePrepare#upload", "type": "MethodDefinition", "paramnames": [ "item", "done" ] }, "vars": { "": null } }, "description": "Upload all the textures and graphics to the GPU.
", "params": [ { "type": { "names": [ "function", "PIXI.DisplayObject", "PIXI.Container", "PIXI.BaseTexture", "PIXI.Texture", "PIXI.Graphics", "PIXI.Text" ] }, "description": "Either the container or display object to search for items to upload, the items to upload themselves,
", "name": "item" }, { "type": { "names": [ "function" ] }, "optional": true, "description": "
or the callback function, if items have been added usingprepare.add
.Optional callback when all queued uploads have completed
", "name": "done" } ], "name": "upload", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#upload", "kind": "function", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare", "scope": "instance", "___id": "T000002R006846", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepareupload", "filepath": "prepare\\BasePrepare.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Handle tick update\n *\n * @private\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 4739, 4798 ], "filename": "BasePrepare.js", "lineno": 177, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare", "code": { "id": "astnode100073502", "name": "BasePrepare#tick", "type": "MethodDefinition", "paramnames": [] }, "vars": { "": null } }, "description": "Handle tick update
", "access": "private", "name": "tick", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#tick", "kind": "function", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare", "scope": "instance", "params": [], "___id": "T000002R006850", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.BasePreparetick", "filepath": "prepare\\BasePrepare.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Actually prepare items. This is handled outside of the tick because it will take a while\n * and we do NOT want to block the current animation frame from rendering.\n *\n * @private\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 5018, 6301 ], "filename": "BasePrepare.js", "lineno": 188, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare", "code": { "id": "astnode100073513", "name": "BasePrepare#prepareItems", "type": "MethodDefinition", "paramnames": [] }, "vars": { "": null } }, "description": "Actually prepare items. This is handled outside of the tick because it will take a while
", "access": "private", "name": "prepareItems", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#prepareItems", "kind": "function", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare", "scope": "instance", "params": [], "___id": "T000002R006851", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepareprepareItems", "filepath": "prepare\\BasePrepare.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Adds hooks for finding items.\n *\n * @param {Function} addHook - Function call that takes two parameters: `item:*, queue:Array`\n * function must return `true` if it was able to add item to the queue.\n * @return {PIXI.BasePrepare} Instance of plugin for chaining.\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 6617, 6758 ], "filename": "BasePrepare.js", "lineno": 244, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare", "code": { "id": "astnode100073679", "name": "BasePrepare#registerFindHook", "type": "MethodDefinition", "paramnames": [ "addHook" ] }, "vars": { "": null } }, "description": "
and we do NOT want to block the current animation frame from rendering.Adds hooks for finding items.
", "params": [ { "type": { "names": [ "function" ] }, "description": "Function call that takes two parameters:
", "name": "addHook" } ], "returns": [ { "type": { "names": [ "PIXI.BasePrepare" ] }, "description": "item:*, queue:Array
function must returntrue
if it was able to add item to the queue.Instance of plugin for chaining.
" } ], "name": "registerFindHook", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#registerFindHook", "kind": "function", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare", "scope": "instance", "___id": "T000002R006862", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepareregisterFindHook", "filepath": "prepare\\BasePrepare.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Adds hooks for uploading items.\n *\n * @param {Function} uploadHook - Function call that takes two parameters: `prepare:CanvasPrepare, item:*` and\n * function must return `true` if it was able to handle upload of item.\n * @return {PIXI.BasePrepare} Instance of plugin for chaining.\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 7093, 7248 ], "filename": "BasePrepare.js", "lineno": 261, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare", "code": { "id": "astnode100073697", "name": "BasePrepare#registerUploadHook", "type": "MethodDefinition", "paramnames": [ "uploadHook" ] }, "vars": { "": null } }, "description": "Adds hooks for uploading items.
", "params": [ { "type": { "names": [ "function" ] }, "description": "Function call that takes two parameters:
", "name": "uploadHook" } ], "returns": [ { "type": { "names": [ "PIXI.BasePrepare" ] }, "description": "prepare:CanvasPrepare, item:*
function must returntrue
if it was able to handle upload of item.Instance of plugin for chaining.
" } ], "name": "registerUploadHook", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#registerUploadHook", "kind": "function", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare", "scope": "instance", "___id": "T000002R006863", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepareregisterUploadHook", "filepath": "prepare\\BasePrepare.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Manually add an item to the uploading queue.\n *\n * @param {PIXI.DisplayObject|PIXI.Container|PIXI.BaseTexture|PIXI.Texture|PIXI.Graphics|PIXI.Text|*} item - Object to\n * add to the queue\n * @return {PIXI.CanvasPrepare} Instance of plugin for chaining.\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 7552, 8117 ], "filename": "BasePrepare.js", "lineno": 278, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare", "code": { "id": "astnode100073715", "name": "BasePrepare#add", "type": "MethodDefinition", "paramnames": [ "item" ] }, "vars": { "": null } }, "description": "Manually add an item to the uploading queue.
", "params": [ { "type": { "names": [ "PIXI.DisplayObject", "PIXI.Container", "PIXI.BaseTexture", "PIXI.Texture", "PIXI.Graphics", "PIXI.Text", "*" ] }, "description": "Object to
", "name": "item" } ], "returns": [ { "type": { "names": [ "PIXI.CanvasPrepare" ] }, "description": "
add to the queueInstance of plugin for chaining.
" } ], "name": "add", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#add", "kind": "function", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare", "scope": "instance", "___id": "T000002R006864", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepareadd", "filepath": "prepare\\BasePrepare.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Destroys the plugin, don't use after this.\n *\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 8196, 8561 ], "filename": "BasePrepare.js", "lineno": 306, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare", "code": { "id": "astnode100073787", "name": "BasePrepare#destroy", "type": "MethodDefinition", "paramnames": [] }, "vars": { "": null } }, "description": "Destroys the plugin, don't use after this.
", "name": "destroy", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#destroy", "kind": "function", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare", "scope": "instance", "params": [], "___id": "T000002R006868", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.BasePreparedestroy", "filepath": "prepare\\BasePrepare.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Upload all the textures and graphics to the GPU.\n *\n * @param {Function|PIXI.DisplayObject|PIXI.Container|PIXI.BaseTexture|PIXI.Texture|PIXI.Graphics|PIXI.Text} item -\n * Either the container or display object to search for items to upload, the items to upload themselves,\n * or the callback function, if items have been added using `prepare.add`.\n * @param {Function} [done] - Optional callback when all queued uploads have completed\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 3937, 4668 ], "filename": "BasePrepare.js", "lineno": 137, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare", "code": { "id": "astnode100148102", "name": "BasePrepare#upload", "type": "MethodDefinition", "paramnames": [ "item", "done" ] }, "vars": { "": null } }, "description": "Upload all the textures and graphics to the GPU.
", "params": [ { "type": { "names": [ "function", "PIXI.DisplayObject", "PIXI.Container", "PIXI.BaseTexture", "PIXI.Texture", "PIXI.Graphics", "PIXI.Text" ] }, "description": "Either the container or display object to search for items to upload, the items to upload themselves,
", "name": "item" }, { "type": { "names": [ "function" ] }, "optional": true, "description": "
or the callback function, if items have been added usingprepare.add
.Optional callback when all queued uploads have completed
", "name": "done" } ], "name": "upload", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#upload", "kind": "function", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare", "scope": "instance", "___id": "T000002R013780", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepareupload", "filepath": "prepare\\BasePrepare.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Handle tick update\n *\n * @private\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 4739, 4798 ], "filename": "BasePrepare.js", "lineno": 177, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare", "code": { "id": "astnode100148181", "name": "BasePrepare#tick", "type": "MethodDefinition", "paramnames": [] }, "vars": { "": null } }, "description": "Handle tick update
", "access": "private", "name": "tick", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#tick", "kind": "function", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare", "scope": "instance", "params": [], "___id": "T000002R013784", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.BasePreparetick", "filepath": "prepare\\BasePrepare.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Actually prepare items. This is handled outside of the tick because it will take a while\n * and we do NOT want to block the current animation frame from rendering.\n *\n * @private\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 5018, 6301 ], "filename": "BasePrepare.js", "lineno": 188, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare", "code": { "id": "astnode100148192", "name": "BasePrepare#prepareItems", "type": "MethodDefinition", "paramnames": [] }, "vars": { "": null } }, "description": "Actually prepare items. This is handled outside of the tick because it will take a while
", "access": "private", "name": "prepareItems", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#prepareItems", "kind": "function", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare", "scope": "instance", "params": [], "___id": "T000002R013785", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepareprepareItems", "filepath": "prepare\\BasePrepare.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Adds hooks for finding items.\n *\n * @param {Function} addHook - Function call that takes two parameters: `item:*, queue:Array`\n * function must return `true` if it was able to add item to the queue.\n * @return {PIXI.BasePrepare} Instance of plugin for chaining.\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 6617, 6758 ], "filename": "BasePrepare.js", "lineno": 244, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare", "code": { "id": "astnode100148358", "name": "BasePrepare#registerFindHook", "type": "MethodDefinition", "paramnames": [ "addHook" ] }, "vars": { "": null } }, "description": "
and we do NOT want to block the current animation frame from rendering.Adds hooks for finding items.
", "params": [ { "type": { "names": [ "function" ] }, "description": "Function call that takes two parameters:
", "name": "addHook" } ], "returns": [ { "type": { "names": [ "PIXI.BasePrepare" ] }, "description": "item:*, queue:Array
function must returntrue
if it was able to add item to the queue.Instance of plugin for chaining.
" } ], "name": "registerFindHook", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#registerFindHook", "kind": "function", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare", "scope": "instance", "___id": "T000002R013796", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepareregisterFindHook", "filepath": "prepare\\BasePrepare.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Adds hooks for uploading items.\n *\n * @param {Function} uploadHook - Function call that takes two parameters: `prepare:CanvasPrepare, item:*` and\n * function must return `true` if it was able to handle upload of item.\n * @return {PIXI.BasePrepare} Instance of plugin for chaining.\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 7093, 7248 ], "filename": "BasePrepare.js", "lineno": 261, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare", "code": { "id": "astnode100148376", "name": "BasePrepare#registerUploadHook", "type": "MethodDefinition", "paramnames": [ "uploadHook" ] }, "vars": { "": null } }, "description": "Adds hooks for uploading items.
", "params": [ { "type": { "names": [ "function" ] }, "description": "Function call that takes two parameters:
", "name": "uploadHook" } ], "returns": [ { "type": { "names": [ "PIXI.BasePrepare" ] }, "description": "prepare:CanvasPrepare, item:*
function must returntrue
if it was able to handle upload of item.Instance of plugin for chaining.
" } ], "name": "registerUploadHook", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#registerUploadHook", "kind": "function", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare", "scope": "instance", "___id": "T000002R013797", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepareregisterUploadHook", "filepath": "prepare\\BasePrepare.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Manually add an item to the uploading queue.\n *\n * @param {PIXI.DisplayObject|PIXI.Container|PIXI.BaseTexture|PIXI.Texture|PIXI.Graphics|PIXI.Text|*} item - Object to\n * add to the queue\n * @return {PIXI.CanvasPrepare} Instance of plugin for chaining.\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 7552, 8117 ], "filename": "BasePrepare.js", "lineno": 278, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare", "code": { "id": "astnode100148394", "name": "BasePrepare#add", "type": "MethodDefinition", "paramnames": [ "item" ] }, "vars": { "": null } }, "description": "Manually add an item to the uploading queue.
", "params": [ { "type": { "names": [ "PIXI.DisplayObject", "PIXI.Container", "PIXI.BaseTexture", "PIXI.Texture", "PIXI.Graphics", "PIXI.Text", "*" ] }, "description": "Object to
", "name": "item" } ], "returns": [ { "type": { "names": [ "PIXI.CanvasPrepare" ] }, "description": "
add to the queueInstance of plugin for chaining.
" } ], "name": "add", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#add", "kind": "function", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare", "scope": "instance", "___id": "T000002R013798", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepareadd", "filepath": "prepare\\BasePrepare.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * Destroys the plugin, don't use after this.\n *\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 8196, 8561 ], "filename": "BasePrepare.js", "lineno": 306, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src\\prepare", "code": { "id": "astnode100148466", "name": "BasePrepare#destroy", "type": "MethodDefinition", "paramnames": [] }, "vars": { "": null } }, "description": "Destroys the plugin, don't use after this.
", "name": "destroy", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#destroy", "kind": "function", "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare", "scope": "instance", "params": [], "___id": "T000002R013802", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.BasePreparedestroy", "filepath": "prepare\\BasePrepare.js" } ], "$attributes": [ { "comment": "/**\n * @method\n * @name PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#register\n * @see PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#registerFindHook\n * @deprecated since version 4.4.2\n * @param {Function} [addHook] - Function call that takes two parameters: `item:*, queue:Array`\n * function must return `true` if it was able to add item to the queue.\n * @param {Function} [uploadHook] - Function call that takes two parameters: `prepare:CanvasPrepare, item:*` and\n * function must return `true` if it was able to handle upload of item.\n * @return {PIXI.BasePrepare} Instance of plugin for chaining.\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 24256, 24832 ], "filename": "deprecation.js", "lineno": 920, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src", "code": {} }, "kind": "function", "name": "register", "see": [ "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#registerFindHook" ], "deprecated": "since version 4.4.2", "params": [ { "type": { "names": [ "function" ] }, "optional": true, "description": "Function call that takes two parameters:
", "name": "addHook" }, { "type": { "names": [ "function" ] }, "optional": true, "description": "item:*, queue:Array
function must returntrue
if it was able to add item to the queue.Function call that takes two parameters:
", "name": "uploadHook" } ], "returns": [ { "type": { "names": [ "PIXI.BasePrepare" ] }, "description": "prepare:CanvasPrepare, item:*
function must returntrue
if it was able to handle upload of item.Instance of plugin for chaining.
" } ], "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#register", "scope": "instance", "___id": "T000002R004701", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepareregister", "filepath": "deprecation.js" }, { "comment": "/**\n * @method\n * @name PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#register\n * @see PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#registerFindHook\n * @deprecated since version 4.4.2\n * @param {Function} [addHook] - Function call that takes two parameters: `item:*, queue:Array`\n * function must return `true` if it was able to add item to the queue.\n * @param {Function} [uploadHook] - Function call that takes two parameters: `prepare:CanvasPrepare, item:*` and\n * function must return `true` if it was able to handle upload of item.\n * @return {PIXI.BasePrepare} Instance of plugin for chaining.\n */", "meta": { "range": [ 24256, 24832 ], "filename": "deprecation.js", "lineno": 920, "path": "C:\\Users\\beaujeup\\projects\\jsdoc-template\\examples\\pixi.js\\pixi.js-repo\\src", "code": {} }, "kind": "function", "name": "register", "see": [ "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#registerFindHook" ], "deprecated": "since version 4.4.2", "params": [ { "type": { "names": [ "function" ] }, "optional": true, "description": "Function call that takes two parameters:
", "name": "addHook" }, { "type": { "names": [ "function" ] }, "optional": true, "description": "item:*, queue:Array
function must returntrue
if it was able to add item to the queue.Function call that takes two parameters:
", "name": "uploadHook" } ], "returns": [ { "type": { "names": [ "PIXI.BasePrepare" ] }, "description": "prepare:CanvasPrepare, item:*
function must returntrue
if it was able to handle upload of item.Instance of plugin for chaining.
" } ], "memberof": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare", "longname": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepare#register", "scope": "instance", "___id": "T000002R011635", "___s": true, "skip": true, "slug": "PIXI.prepare.BasePrepareregister", "filepath": "deprecation.js" } ], "$staticmethods": [], "$staticproperties": [], "$augments": [], "$augmentedBy": [ { "name": "CanvasPrepare" }, { "name": "WebGLPrepare" }, { "name": "CanvasPrepare" }, { "name": "WebGLPrepare" } ], "filepath": "prepare\\BasePrepare.js" } ], "$augmentedBy": [], "filepath": "prepare\\canvas\\CanvasPrepare.js" }