Source: \prepare\BasePrepare.js
import * as core from '../core';
import CountLimiter from './limiters/CountLimiter';
const SharedTicker = core.ticker.shared;
* Default number of uploads per frame using prepare plugin.
* @static
* @memberof PIXI.settings
* @type {number}
* @default 4
core.settings.UPLOADS_PER_FRAME = 4;
* The prepare manager provides functionality to upload content to the GPU. BasePrepare handles
* basic queuing functionality and is extended by {@link PIXI.prepare.WebGLPrepare} and {@link PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare}
* to provide preparation capabilities specific to their respective renderers.
* @example
* // Create a sprite
* const sprite = new PIXI.Sprite.fromImage('something.png');
* // Load object into GPU
* app.renderer.plugins.prepare.upload(sprite, () => {
* //Texture(s) has been uploaded to GPU
* app.stage.addChild(sprite);
* })
* @abstract
* @class
* @memberof PIXI.prepare
export default class BasePrepare
* @param {PIXI.SystemRenderer} renderer - A reference to the current renderer
* The limiter to be used to control how quickly items are prepared.
* @type {PIXI.prepare.CountLimiter|PIXI.prepare.TimeLimiter}
this.limiter = new CountLimiter(core.settings.UPLOADS_PER_FRAME);
* Reference to the renderer.
* @type {PIXI.SystemRenderer}
* @protected
this.renderer = renderer;
* The only real difference between CanvasPrepare and WebGLPrepare is what they pass
* to upload hooks. That different parameter is stored here.
* @type {PIXI.prepare.CanvasPrepare|PIXI.WebGLRenderer}
* @protected
this.uploadHookHelper = null;
* Collection of items to uploads at once.
* @type {Array<*>}
* @private
this.queue = [];
* Collection of additional hooks for finding assets.
* @type {Array}
* @private
this.addHooks = [];
* Collection of additional hooks for processing assets.
* @type {Array}
* @private
this.uploadHooks = [];
* Callback to call after completed.
* @type {Array}
* @private
this.completes = [];
* If prepare is ticking (running).
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.ticking = false;
* 'bound' call for prepareItems().
* @type {Function}
* @private
this.delayedTick = () =>
// unlikely, but in case we were destroyed between tick() and delayedTick()
if (!this.queue)
// hooks to find the correct texture
// upload hooks
* Upload all the textures and graphics to the GPU.
* @param {Function|PIXI.DisplayObject|PIXI.Container|PIXI.BaseTexture|PIXI.Texture|PIXI.Graphics|PIXI.Text} item -
* Either the container or display object to search for items to upload, the items to upload themselves,
* or the callback function, if items have been added using `prepare.add`.
* @param {Function} [done] - Optional callback when all queued uploads have completed
upload(item, done)
if (typeof item === 'function')
done = item;
item = null;
// If a display object, search for items
// that we could upload
if (item)
// Get the items for upload from the display
if (this.queue.length)
if (done)
if (!this.ticking)
this.ticking = true;
SharedTicker.addOnce(this.tick, this, core.UPDATE_PRIORITY.UTILITY);
else if (done)
* Handle tick update
* @private
setTimeout(this.delayedTick, 0);
* Actually prepare items. This is handled outside of the tick because it will take a while
* and we do NOT want to block the current animation frame from rendering.
* @private
// Upload the graphics
while (this.queue.length && this.limiter.allowedToUpload())
const item = this.queue[0];
let uploaded = false;
if (item && !item._destroyed)
for (let i = 0, len = this.uploadHooks.length; i < len; i++)
if (this.uploadHooks[i](this.uploadHookHelper, item))
uploaded = true;
if (!uploaded)
// We're finished
if (!this.queue.length)
this.ticking = false;
const completes = this.completes.slice(0);
this.completes.length = 0;
for (let i = 0, len = completes.length; i < len; i++)
// if we are not finished, on the next rAF do this again
SharedTicker.addOnce(this.tick, this, core.UPDATE_PRIORITY.UTILITY);
* Adds hooks for finding items.
* @param {Function} addHook - Function call that takes two parameters: `item:*, queue:Array`
* function must return `true` if it was able to add item to the queue.
* @return {PIXI.BasePrepare} Instance of plugin for chaining.
if (addHook)
return this;
* Adds hooks for uploading items.
* @param {Function} uploadHook - Function call that takes two parameters: `prepare:CanvasPrepare, item:*` and
* function must return `true` if it was able to handle upload of item.
* @return {PIXI.BasePrepare} Instance of plugin for chaining.
if (uploadHook)
return this;
* Manually add an item to the uploading queue.
* @param {PIXI.DisplayObject|PIXI.Container|PIXI.BaseTexture|PIXI.Texture|PIXI.Graphics|PIXI.Text|*} item - Object to
* add to the queue
* @return {PIXI.CanvasPrepare} Instance of plugin for chaining.
// Add additional hooks for finding elements on special
// types of objects that
for (let i = 0, len = this.addHooks.length; i < len; i++)
if (this.addHooks[i](item, this.queue))
// Get childen recursively
if (item instanceof core.Container)
for (let i = item.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
return this;
* Destroys the plugin, don't use after this.
if (this.ticking)
SharedTicker.remove(this.tick, this);
this.ticking = false;
this.addHooks = null;
this.uploadHooks = null;
this.renderer = null;
this.completes = null;
this.queue = null;
this.limiter = null;
this.uploadHookHelper = null;
* Built-in hook to find multiple textures from objects like AnimatedSprites.
* @private
* @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} item - Display object to check
* @param {Array<*>} queue - Collection of items to upload
* @return {boolean} if a PIXI.Texture object was found.
function findMultipleBaseTextures(item, queue)
let result = false;
// Objects with mutliple textures
if (item && item._textures && item._textures.length)
for (let i = 0; i < item._textures.length; i++)
if (item._textures[i] instanceof core.Texture)
const baseTexture = item._textures[i].baseTexture;
if (queue.indexOf(baseTexture) === -1)
result = true;
return result;
* Built-in hook to find BaseTextures from Sprites.
* @private
* @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} item - Display object to check
* @param {Array<*>} queue - Collection of items to upload
* @return {boolean} if a PIXI.Texture object was found.
function findBaseTexture(item, queue)
// Objects with textures, like Sprites/Text
if (item instanceof core.BaseTexture)
if (queue.indexOf(item) === -1)
return true;
return false;
* Built-in hook to find textures from objects.
* @private
* @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} item - Display object to check
* @param {Array<*>} queue - Collection of items to upload
* @return {boolean} if a PIXI.Texture object was found.
function findTexture(item, queue)
if (item._texture && item._texture instanceof core.Texture)
const texture = item._texture.baseTexture;
if (queue.indexOf(texture) === -1)
return true;
return false;
* Built-in hook to draw PIXI.Text to its texture.
* @private
* @param {PIXI.WebGLRenderer|PIXI.CanvasPrepare} helper - Not used by this upload handler
* @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} item - Item to check
* @return {boolean} If item was uploaded.
function drawText(helper, item)
if (item instanceof core.Text)
// updating text will return early if it is not dirty
return true;
return false;
* Built-in hook to calculate a text style for a PIXI.Text object.
* @private
* @param {PIXI.WebGLRenderer|PIXI.CanvasPrepare} helper - Not used by this upload handler
* @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} item - Item to check
* @return {boolean} If item was uploaded.
function calculateTextStyle(helper, item)
if (item instanceof core.TextStyle)
const font = core.Text.getFontStyle(item);
if (!core.Text.fontPropertiesCache[font])
return true;
return false;
* Built-in hook to find Text objects.
* @private
* @param {PIXI.DisplayObject} item - Display object to check
* @param {Array<*>} queue - Collection of items to upload
* @return {boolean} if a PIXI.Text object was found.
function findText(item, queue)
if (item instanceof core.Text)
// push the text style to prepare it - this can be really expensive
if (queue.indexOf( === -1)
// also push the text object so that we can render it (to canvas/texture) if needed
if (queue.indexOf(item) === -1)
// also push the Text's texture for upload to GPU
const texture = item._texture.baseTexture;
if (queue.indexOf(texture) === -1)
return true;
return false;
* Built-in hook to find TextStyle objects.
* @private
* @param {PIXI.TextStyle} item - Display object to check
* @param {Array<*>} queue - Collection of items to upload
* @return {boolean} if a PIXI.TextStyle object was found.
function findTextStyle(item, queue)
if (item instanceof core.TextStyle)
if (queue.indexOf(item) === -1)
return true;
return false;