Source: \core\display\TransformStatic.js
import { ObservablePoint } from '../math';
import TransformBase from './TransformBase';
* Transform that takes care about its versions
* @class
* @extends PIXI.TransformBase
* @memberof PIXI
export default class TransformStatic extends TransformBase
* The coordinate of the object relative to the local coordinates of the parent.
* @member {PIXI.ObservablePoint}
this.position = new ObservablePoint(this.onChange, this, 0, 0);
* The scale factor of the object.
* @member {PIXI.ObservablePoint}
this.scale = new ObservablePoint(this.onChange, this, 1, 1);
* The pivot point of the displayObject that it rotates around
* @member {PIXI.ObservablePoint}
this.pivot = new ObservablePoint(this.onChange, this, 0, 0);
* The skew amount, on the x and y axis.
* @member {PIXI.ObservablePoint}
this.skew = new ObservablePoint(this.updateSkew, this, 0, 0);
this._rotation = 0;
this._cx = 1; // cos rotation + skewY;
this._sx = 0; // sin rotation + skewY;
this._cy = 0; // cos rotation + Math.PI/2 - skewX;
this._sy = 1; // sin rotation + Math.PI/2 - skewX;
this._localID = 0;
this._currentLocalID = 0;
* Called when a value changes.
* @private
this._localID ++;
* Called when skew or rotation changes
* @private
this._cx = Math.cos(this._rotation + this.skew._y);
this._sx = Math.sin(this._rotation + this.skew._y);
this._cy = -Math.sin(this._rotation - this.skew._x); // cos, added PI/2
this._sy = Math.cos(this._rotation - this.skew._x); // sin, added PI/2
this._localID ++;
* Updates only local matrix
const lt = this.localTransform;
if (this._localID !== this._currentLocalID)
// get the matrix values of the displayobject based on its transform properties..
lt.a = this._cx * this.scale._x;
lt.b = this._sx * this.scale._x;
lt.c = this._cy * this.scale._y;
lt.d = this._sy * this.scale._y;
lt.tx = this.position._x - ((this.pivot._x * lt.a) + (this.pivot._y * lt.c));
lt.ty = this.position._y - ((this.pivot._x * lt.b) + (this.pivot._y * lt.d));
this._currentLocalID = this._localID;
// force an update..
this._parentID = -1;
* Updates the values of the object and applies the parent's transform.
* @param {PIXI.Transform} parentTransform - The transform of the parent of this object
const lt = this.localTransform;
if (this._localID !== this._currentLocalID)
// get the matrix values of the displayobject based on its transform properties..
lt.a = this._cx * this.scale._x;
lt.b = this._sx * this.scale._x;
lt.c = this._cy * this.scale._y;
lt.d = this._sy * this.scale._y;
lt.tx = this.position._x - ((this.pivot._x * lt.a) + (this.pivot._y * lt.c));
lt.ty = this.position._y - ((this.pivot._x * lt.b) + (this.pivot._y * lt.d));
this._currentLocalID = this._localID;
// force an update..
this._parentID = -1;
if (this._parentID !== parentTransform._worldID)
// concat the parent matrix with the objects transform.
const pt = parentTransform.worldTransform;
const wt = this.worldTransform;
wt.a = (lt.a * pt.a) + (lt.b * pt.c);
wt.b = (lt.a * pt.b) + (lt.b * pt.d);
wt.c = (lt.c * pt.a) + (lt.d * pt.c);
wt.d = (lt.c * pt.b) + (lt.d * pt.d);
wt.tx = (lt.tx * pt.a) + (lt.ty * pt.c) + pt.tx;
wt.ty = (lt.tx * pt.b) + (lt.ty * pt.d) + pt.ty;
this._parentID = parentTransform._worldID;
// update the id of the transform..
this._worldID ++;
* Decomposes a matrix and sets the transforms properties based on it.
* @param {PIXI.Matrix} matrix - The matrix to decompose
this._localID ++;
* The rotation of the object in radians.
* @member {number}
get rotation()
return this._rotation;
set rotation(value) // eslint-disable-line require-jsdoc
this._rotation = value;