Source: \core\graphics\webgl\utils\buildLine.js
import { Point } from '../../../math';
import { hex2rgb } from '../../../utils';
* Builds a line to draw
* Ignored from docs since it is not directly exposed.
* @ignore
* @private
* @param {PIXI.WebGLGraphicsData} graphicsData - The graphics object containing all the necessary properties
* @param {object} webGLData - an object containing all the webGL-specific information to create this shape
export default function (graphicsData, webGLData)
if (graphicsData.nativeLines)
buildNativeLine(graphicsData, webGLData);
buildLine(graphicsData, webGLData);
* Builds a line to draw using the poligon method.
* Ignored from docs since it is not directly exposed.
* @ignore
* @private
* @param {PIXI.WebGLGraphicsData} graphicsData - The graphics object containing all the necessary properties
* @param {object} webGLData - an object containing all the webGL-specific information to create this shape
function buildLine(graphicsData, webGLData)
let points = graphicsData.points;
if (points.length === 0)
// if the line width is an odd number add 0.5 to align to a whole pixel
// commenting this out fixes #711 and #1620
// if (graphicsData.lineWidth%2)
// {
// for (i = 0; i < points.length; i++)
// {
// points[i] += 0.5;
// }
// }
// get first and last point.. figure out the middle!
const firstPoint = new Point(points[0], points[1]);
let lastPoint = new Point(points[points.length - 2], points[points.length - 1]);
// if the first point is the last point - gonna have issues :)
if (firstPoint.x === lastPoint.x && firstPoint.y === lastPoint.y)
// need to clone as we are going to slightly modify the shape..
points = points.slice();
lastPoint = new Point(points[points.length - 2], points[points.length - 1]);
const midPointX = lastPoint.x + ((firstPoint.x - lastPoint.x) * 0.5);
const midPointY = lastPoint.y + ((firstPoint.y - lastPoint.y) * 0.5);
points.unshift(midPointX, midPointY);
points.push(midPointX, midPointY);
const verts = webGLData.points;
const indices = webGLData.indices;
const length = points.length / 2;
let indexCount = points.length;
let indexStart = verts.length / 6;
// DRAW the Line
const width = graphicsData.lineWidth / 2;
// sort color
const color = hex2rgb(graphicsData.lineColor);
const alpha = graphicsData.lineAlpha;
const r = color[0] * alpha;
const g = color[1] * alpha;
const b = color[2] * alpha;
let p1x = points[0];
let p1y = points[1];
let p2x = points[2];
let p2y = points[3];
let p3x = 0;
let p3y = 0;
let perpx = -(p1y - p2y);
let perpy = p1x - p2x;
let perp2x = 0;
let perp2y = 0;
let perp3x = 0;
let perp3y = 0;
let dist = Math.sqrt((perpx * perpx) + (perpy * perpy));
perpx /= dist;
perpy /= dist;
perpx *= width;
perpy *= width;
// start
p1x - perpx,
p1y - perpy,
r, g, b, alpha
p1x + perpx,
p1y + perpy,
r, g, b, alpha
for (let i = 1; i < length - 1; ++i)
p1x = points[(i - 1) * 2];
p1y = points[((i - 1) * 2) + 1];
p2x = points[i * 2];
p2y = points[(i * 2) + 1];
p3x = points[(i + 1) * 2];
p3y = points[((i + 1) * 2) + 1];
perpx = -(p1y - p2y);
perpy = p1x - p2x;
dist = Math.sqrt((perpx * perpx) + (perpy * perpy));
perpx /= dist;
perpy /= dist;
perpx *= width;
perpy *= width;
perp2x = -(p2y - p3y);
perp2y = p2x - p3x;
dist = Math.sqrt((perp2x * perp2x) + (perp2y * perp2y));
perp2x /= dist;
perp2y /= dist;
perp2x *= width;
perp2y *= width;
const a1 = (-perpy + p1y) - (-perpy + p2y);
const b1 = (-perpx + p2x) - (-perpx + p1x);
const c1 = ((-perpx + p1x) * (-perpy + p2y)) - ((-perpx + p2x) * (-perpy + p1y));
const a2 = (-perp2y + p3y) - (-perp2y + p2y);
const b2 = (-perp2x + p2x) - (-perp2x + p3x);
const c2 = ((-perp2x + p3x) * (-perp2y + p2y)) - ((-perp2x + p2x) * (-perp2y + p3y));
let denom = (a1 * b2) - (a2 * b1);
if (Math.abs(denom) < 0.1)
denom += 10.1;
p2x - perpx,
p2y - perpy,
r, g, b, alpha
p2x + perpx,
p2y + perpy,
r, g, b, alpha
const px = ((b1 * c2) - (b2 * c1)) / denom;
const py = ((a2 * c1) - (a1 * c2)) / denom;
const pdist = ((px - p2x) * (px - p2x)) + ((py - p2y) * (py - p2y));
if (pdist > (196 * width * width))
perp3x = perpx - perp2x;
perp3y = perpy - perp2y;
dist = Math.sqrt((perp3x * perp3x) + (perp3y * perp3y));
perp3x /= dist;
perp3y /= dist;
perp3x *= width;
perp3y *= width;
verts.push(p2x - perp3x, p2y - perp3y);
verts.push(r, g, b, alpha);
verts.push(p2x + perp3x, p2y + perp3y);
verts.push(r, g, b, alpha);
verts.push(p2x - perp3x, p2y - perp3y);
verts.push(r, g, b, alpha);
verts.push(px, py);
verts.push(r, g, b, alpha);
verts.push(p2x - (px - p2x), p2y - (py - p2y));
verts.push(r, g, b, alpha);
p1x = points[(length - 2) * 2];
p1y = points[((length - 2) * 2) + 1];
p2x = points[(length - 1) * 2];
p2y = points[((length - 1) * 2) + 1];
perpx = -(p1y - p2y);
perpy = p1x - p2x;
dist = Math.sqrt((perpx * perpx) + (perpy * perpy));
perpx /= dist;
perpy /= dist;
perpx *= width;
perpy *= width;
verts.push(p2x - perpx, p2y - perpy);
verts.push(r, g, b, alpha);
verts.push(p2x + perpx, p2y + perpy);
verts.push(r, g, b, alpha);
for (let i = 0; i < indexCount; ++i)
indices.push(indexStart - 1);
* Builds a line to draw using the gl.drawArrays(gl.LINES) method
* Ignored from docs since it is not directly exposed.
* @ignore
* @private
* @param {PIXI.WebGLGraphicsData} graphicsData - The graphics object containing all the necessary properties
* @param {object} webGLData - an object containing all the webGL-specific information to create this shape
function buildNativeLine(graphicsData, webGLData)
let i = 0;
const points = graphicsData.points;
if (points.length === 0) return;
const verts = webGLData.points;
const length = points.length / 2;
// sort color
const color = hex2rgb(graphicsData.lineColor);
const alpha = graphicsData.lineAlpha;
const r = color[0] * alpha;
const g = color[1] * alpha;
const b = color[2] * alpha;
for (i = 1; i < length; i++)
const p1x = points[(i - 1) * 2];
const p1y = points[((i - 1) * 2) + 1];
const p2x = points[i * 2];
const p2y = points[(i * 2) + 1];
verts.push(p1x, p1y);
verts.push(r, g, b, alpha);
verts.push(p2x, p2y);
verts.push(r, g, b, alpha);