Source: \core\sprites\webgl\SpriteRenderer.js
import ObjectRenderer from '../../renderers/webgl/utils/ObjectRenderer';
import WebGLRenderer from '../../renderers/webgl/WebGLRenderer';
import createIndicesForQuads from '../../utils/createIndicesForQuads';
import generateMultiTextureShader from './generateMultiTextureShader';
import checkMaxIfStatmentsInShader from '../../renderers/webgl/utils/checkMaxIfStatmentsInShader';
import Buffer from './BatchBuffer';
import settings from '../../settings';
import glCore from 'pixi-gl-core';
import bitTwiddle from 'bit-twiddle';
let TICK = 0;
* Renderer dedicated to drawing and batching sprites.
* @class
* @private
* @memberof PIXI
* @extends PIXI.ObjectRenderer
export default class SpriteRenderer extends ObjectRenderer
* @param {PIXI.WebGLRenderer} renderer - The renderer this sprite batch works for.
* Number of values sent in the vertex buffer.
* aVertexPosition(2), aTextureCoord(1), aColor(1), aTextureId(1) = 5
* @member {number}
this.vertSize = 5;
* The size of the vertex information in bytes.
* @member {number}
this.vertByteSize = this.vertSize * 4;
* The number of images in the SpriteRenderer before it flushes.
* @member {number}
this.size = settings.SPRITE_BATCH_SIZE; // 2000 is a nice balance between mobile / desktop
// the total number of bytes in our batch
// let numVerts = this.size * 4 * this.vertByteSize;
this.buffers = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= bitTwiddle.nextPow2(this.size); i *= 2)
this.buffers.push(new Buffer(i * 4 * this.vertByteSize));
* Holds the indices of the geometry (quads) to draw
* @member {Uint16Array}
this.indices = createIndicesForQuads(this.size);
* The default shaders that is used if a sprite doesn't have a more specific one.
* there is a shader for each number of textures that can be rendererd.
* These shaders will also be generated on the fly as required.
* @member {PIXI.Shader[]}
this.shader = null;
this.currentIndex = 0;
this.groups = [];
for (let k = 0; k < this.size; k++)
this.groups[k] = { textures: [], textureCount: 0, ids: [], size: 0, start: 0, blend: 0 };
this.sprites = [];
this.vertexBuffers = [];
this.vaos = [];
this.vaoMax = 2;
this.vertexCount = 0;
this.renderer.on('prerender', this.onPrerender, this);
* Sets up the renderer context and necessary buffers.
* @private
const gl =;
if (this.renderer.legacy)
this.MAX_TEXTURES = 1;
// step 1: first check max textures the GPU can handle.
this.MAX_TEXTURES = Math.min(gl.getParameter(gl.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS), settings.SPRITE_MAX_TEXTURES);
// step 2: check the maximum number of if statements the shader can have too..
this.MAX_TEXTURES = checkMaxIfStatmentsInShader(this.MAX_TEXTURES, gl);
this.shader = generateMultiTextureShader(gl, this.MAX_TEXTURES);
// create a couple of buffers
this.indexBuffer = glCore.GLBuffer.createIndexBuffer(gl, this.indices, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
// we use the second shader as the first one depending on your browser may omit aTextureId
// as it is not used by the shader so is optimized out.
const attrs = this.shader.attributes;
for (let i = 0; i < this.vaoMax; i++)
/* eslint-disable max-len */
const vertexBuffer = this.vertexBuffers[i] = glCore.GLBuffer.createVertexBuffer(gl, null, gl.STREAM_DRAW);
/* eslint-enable max-len */
// build the vao object that will render..
const vao = this.renderer.createVao()
.addAttribute(vertexBuffer, attrs.aVertexPosition, gl.FLOAT, false, this.vertByteSize, 0)
.addAttribute(vertexBuffer, attrs.aTextureCoord, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, true, this.vertByteSize, 2 * 4)
.addAttribute(vertexBuffer, attrs.aColor, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, true, this.vertByteSize, 3 * 4);
if (attrs.aTextureId)
vao.addAttribute(vertexBuffer, attrs.aTextureId, gl.FLOAT, false, this.vertByteSize, 4 * 4);
this.vaos[i] = vao;
this.vao = this.vaos[0];
this.currentBlendMode = 99999;
this.boundTextures = new Array(this.MAX_TEXTURES);
* Called before the renderer starts rendering.
this.vertexCount = 0;
* Renders the sprite object.
* @param {PIXI.Sprite} sprite - the sprite to render when using this spritebatch
// TODO set blend modes..
// check texture..
if (this.currentIndex >= this.size)
// get the uvs for the texture
// if the uvs have not updated then no point rendering just yet!
if (!sprite._texture._uvs)
// push a texture.
// increment the batchsize
this.sprites[this.currentIndex++] = sprite;
* Renders the content and empties the current batch.
if (this.currentIndex === 0)
const gl =;
const np2 = bitTwiddle.nextPow2(this.currentIndex);
const log2 = bitTwiddle.log2(np2);
const buffer = this.buffers[log2];
const sprites = this.sprites;
const groups = this.groups;
const float32View = buffer.float32View;
const uint32View = buffer.uint32View;
const boundTextures = this.boundTextures;
const rendererBoundTextures = this.renderer.boundTextures;
const touch = this.renderer.textureGC.count;
let index = 0;
let nextTexture;
let currentTexture;
let groupCount = 1;
let textureCount = 0;
let currentGroup = groups[0];
let vertexData;
let uvs;
let blendMode = sprites[0].blendMode;
currentGroup.textureCount = 0;
currentGroup.start = 0;
currentGroup.blend = blendMode;
let i;
// copy textures..
for (i = 0; i < MAX_TEXTURES; ++i)
boundTextures[i] = rendererBoundTextures[i];
boundTextures[i]._virtalBoundId = i;
for (i = 0; i < this.currentIndex; ++i)
// upload the sprite elemetns...
// they have all ready been calculated so we just need to push them into the buffer.
const sprite = sprites[i];
nextTexture = sprite._texture.baseTexture;
if (blendMode !== sprite.blendMode)
// finish a group..
blendMode = sprite.blendMode;
// force the batch to break!
currentTexture = null;
textureCount = MAX_TEXTURES;
if (currentTexture !== nextTexture)
currentTexture = nextTexture;
if (nextTexture._enabled !== TICK)
if (textureCount === MAX_TEXTURES)
currentGroup.size = i - currentGroup.start;
textureCount = 0;
currentGroup = groups[groupCount++];
currentGroup.blend = blendMode;
currentGroup.textureCount = 0;
currentGroup.start = i;
nextTexture.touched = touch;
if (nextTexture._virtalBoundId === -1)
for (let j = 0; j < MAX_TEXTURES; ++j)
const tIndex = (j + TEXTURE_TICK) % MAX_TEXTURES;
const t = boundTextures[tIndex];
if (t._enabled !== TICK)
t._virtalBoundId = -1;
nextTexture._virtalBoundId = tIndex;
boundTextures[tIndex] = nextTexture;
nextTexture._enabled = TICK;
currentGroup.ids[textureCount] = nextTexture._virtalBoundId;
currentGroup.textures[textureCount++] = nextTexture;
vertexData = sprite.vertexData;
// TODO this sum does not need to be set each frame..
uvs = sprite._texture._uvs.uvsUint32;
if (this.renderer.roundPixels)
const resolution = this.renderer.resolution;
// xy
float32View[index] = ((vertexData[0] * resolution) | 0) / resolution;
float32View[index + 1] = ((vertexData[1] * resolution) | 0) / resolution;
// xy
float32View[index + 5] = ((vertexData[2] * resolution) | 0) / resolution;
float32View[index + 6] = ((vertexData[3] * resolution) | 0) / resolution;
// xy
float32View[index + 10] = ((vertexData[4] * resolution) | 0) / resolution;
float32View[index + 11] = ((vertexData[5] * resolution) | 0) / resolution;
// xy
float32View[index + 15] = ((vertexData[6] * resolution) | 0) / resolution;
float32View[index + 16] = ((vertexData[7] * resolution) | 0) / resolution;
// xy
float32View[index] = vertexData[0];
float32View[index + 1] = vertexData[1];
// xy
float32View[index + 5] = vertexData[2];
float32View[index + 6] = vertexData[3];
// xy
float32View[index + 10] = vertexData[4];
float32View[index + 11] = vertexData[5];
// xy
float32View[index + 15] = vertexData[6];
float32View[index + 16] = vertexData[7];
uint32View[index + 2] = uvs[0];
uint32View[index + 7] = uvs[1];
uint32View[index + 12] = uvs[2];
uint32View[index + 17] = uvs[3];
/* eslint-disable max-len */
uint32View[index + 3] = uint32View[index + 8] = uint32View[index + 13] = uint32View[index + 18] = sprite._tintRGB + (Math.min(sprite.worldAlpha, 1) * 255 << 24);
float32View[index + 4] = float32View[index + 9] = float32View[index + 14] = float32View[index + 19] = nextTexture._virtalBoundId;
/* eslint-enable max-len */
index += 20;
currentGroup.size = i - currentGroup.start;
// this is still needed for IOS performance..
// it really does not like uploading to the same buffer in a single frame!
if (this.vaoMax <= this.vertexCount)
const attrs = this.shader.attributes;
/* eslint-disable max-len */
const vertexBuffer = this.vertexBuffers[this.vertexCount] = glCore.GLBuffer.createVertexBuffer(gl, null, gl.STREAM_DRAW);
/* eslint-enable max-len */
// build the vao object that will render..
const vao = this.renderer.createVao()
.addAttribute(vertexBuffer, attrs.aVertexPosition, gl.FLOAT, false, this.vertByteSize, 0)
.addAttribute(vertexBuffer, attrs.aTextureCoord, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, true, this.vertByteSize, 2 * 4)
.addAttribute(vertexBuffer, attrs.aColor, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, true, this.vertByteSize, 3 * 4);
if (attrs.aTextureId)
vao.addAttribute(vertexBuffer, attrs.aTextureId, gl.FLOAT, false, this.vertByteSize, 4 * 4);
this.vaos[this.vertexCount] = vao;
this.vertexBuffers[this.vertexCount].upload(buffer.vertices, 0, false);
// lets use the faster option, always use buffer number 0
this.vertexBuffers[this.vertexCount].upload(buffer.vertices, 0, true);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_TEXTURES; ++i)
rendererBoundTextures[i]._virtalBoundId = -1;
// render the groups..
for (i = 0; i < groupCount; ++i)
const group = groups[i];
const groupTextureCount = group.textureCount;
for (let j = 0; j < groupTextureCount; j++)
currentTexture = group.textures[j];
// reset virtual ids..
// lets do a quick check..
if (rendererBoundTextures[group.ids[j]] !== currentTexture)
this.renderer.bindTexture(currentTexture, group.ids[j], true);
// reset the virtualId..
currentTexture._virtalBoundId = -1;
// set the blend mode..
gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, group.size * 6, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, group.start * 6 * 2);
// reset elements for the next flush
this.currentIndex = 0;
* Starts a new sprite batch.
// bind buffer #0, we don't need others
* Stops and flushes the current batch.
* Destroys the SpriteRenderer.
for (let i = 0; i < this.vaoMax; i++)
if (this.vertexBuffers[i])
if (this.vaos[i])
if (this.indexBuffer)
}'prerender', this.onPrerender, this);
if (this.shader)
this.shader = null;
this.vertexBuffers = null;
this.vaos = null;
this.indexBuffer = null;
this.indices = null;
this.sprites = null;
for (let i = 0; i < this.buffers.length; ++i)
WebGLRenderer.registerPlugin('sprite', SpriteRenderer);